Buddy program for Ukraina

In response to the war in Ukraine, The Educational Equality Institute (TEEI) started the “Програма TEEI Buddy”. Its main goal is to support those who had to escape their own country and help them assimilate into their new communities. Thanks to funding from IMDI we are expanding our Buddy Program offerings in Norway and have launched “The Buddy Program for Ukraina”.

“The Buddy program for Ukraina” is a mix of digital and in-person activities built on our general Buddy Program with a Norwegian twist, aiming to create new friendships that will lead to cultural exchange and language learning for our Ukrainian and Norwegian participants.

Buddy Program Ukraina meeting

The program will ensure that Ukrainians who arrive in Norway feel welcome and have a sense of belonging to their new local community.

Як це працює?

  • Matchmaking — we match Ukrainians with Norwegians, one-on-one and in groups.
  • Meet-up — waffle meetings, walks, and monthly activities organized together with partners.
  • Community Building — two group events per city per month, one with a Norwegian theme and one with an Ukrainian theme.

Exploration and Cultural Exchange:

  • Weekly nature and city walks are organized by TEEI.
  • Dinner exchange – Norwegian and Ukrainian families invite to cook national dishes and eat dinner together.
  • Supporting and organizing local events.
  • Culture and language exchange — partners learn about the other culture and practice the language together.
Ukrainian family in the Buddy program Ukraina event

This program is run together with our local partners in Norway. If your company or organization wants to support the program, please contact us at +4791908939 or contact@theeducationalequalityinstitute.org

If you want to join our program, become a buddy or a volunteer in TEEI — please contact us at +4791908939 or contact@theeducationalequalityinstitute.org

We believe that community building and cultural exchange can help Ukrainians settle down in a new country while falling in love with it.

Buddy Program Ukraina meeting
Buddy Program Ukraina meeting

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