Make a Difference with Together for Ukraine

By joining our Corporate Volunteering Program your employees can offer their time and expertise to educate, upskill, and mentor Ukrainian people. It’s a wonderful opportunity to support Ukrainians and help them retake control of their lives.

Why Partner with Together for Ukraine

  • Positive impact

    Your employees’ skills and knowledge can create lasting change in the lives of Ukrainians in need.

  • Employee engagement

    Strengthen your team by providing opportunities for personal and professional growth through volunteering.

  • Social responsibility

    Demonstrate your company’s commitment to social impact by supporting a cause that matters.

  • Brand visibility

    Enhance your brand’s reputation by being showcased on TEEI’s website and social media channels.

Our Corporate Volunteering Opportunities


Offer support and career guidance to help beneficiaries develop the skills needed to get back on their feet.

Student Mentoring

Support a student’s learning journey by motivating them and answering their questions.

Professional Mentoring

Guide your mentee in their professional development through career guidance, networking, and skill-building.


Share your expertise in a subject or teach a new language to Ukrainians in need.
Мовні курси

Teach Ukrainians a new language to help them adapt to their new environment.

Upskilling Courses

Teach in-demand skills such as web development, marketing, or project management to facilitate the beneficiaries’ entry to the job market.


Offer support and career guidance to help beneficiaries develop the skills needed to get back on their feet.

Student Mentoring

Support a student’s learning journey by motivating them and answering their questions.

Professional Mentoring

Guide your mentee in their professional development through career guidance, networking, and skill-building.


Share your expertise in a subject or teach a new language to Ukrainians in need.
Мовні курси

Teach Ukrainians a new language to help them adapt to their new environment.

Upskilling Courses

Teach in-demand skills such as web development, marketing, or project management to facilitate the beneficiaries’ entry to the job market.

Community Building

Engage in networking, workshops, or other activities to build a strong support system for our beneficiaries.
Buddy Program
Connect with Ukrainian refugees near you and provide social support, language assistance, and practical information.
Event Support
Assist in planning and running events or campaigns that raise awareness and funds for our programs.
Skill-based Workshops
Host workshops to teach practical skills that can help beneficiaries find employment or start their own businesses.

Program Development

Collaborate with us to create and organize new programs that address the unique needs of our beneficiaries.
Tailored Initiatives
Work with our team to identify and fill specific gaps in our current offerings.
Co-created Programs
Develop and run programs in synergy with other partners by leveraging your company’s expertise and resources.

Program Development

Collaborate with us to create and organize new programs that address the unique needs of our beneficiaries.
Tailored Initiatives

Work with our team to identify and fill specific gaps in our current offerings.

Co-created Programs

Develop and run programs in synergy with other partners by leveraging your company’s expertise and resources.

How to Get Started

  • Explore opportunities

    Review the corporate volunteering opportunities listed above and identify the best fit for your team.

  • Зв'яжіться з нами

    Reach out to our team at Зв'яжіться з TEEI to discuss your interest, requirements, and preferences.

  • Customize your experience

    We will prepare together a program that aligns with your company’s goals and values.

  • Launch your partnership

    Begin your journey with Together for Ukraine and make a positive impact on the lives of our beneficiaries.

Frequently Asked Questions

How flexible are the corporate volunteering opportunities?

Our corporate volunteering opportunities are designed to be flexible and adaptable to your company’s needs and preferences. We are open to customizing the experience to accommodate specific requirements, including scheduling, duration, and preferred volunteer activities.

Can we collaborate on a long-term basis?

Absolutely! We are more than happy to establish long-term partnerships with corporations that share our mission and values. We’d be elated to create together with you an ongoing volunteer program.

Are there any costs associated with participating in your corporate volunteering program?

No. Participation in our corporate volunteering program is completely free.

Ready to Make a Difference?

Join us in our mission to support and empower the people of Ukraine. Partner with Together for Ukraine and create meaningful change in the lives of our beneficiaries. Your company’s involvement will not only help Ukrainians in need, but also foster a culture of social responsibility and community engagement within your organization.

Explore More Ways to Support

If you’re interested in discovering additional ways your company can support Together for Ukraine, we encourage you to visit our How to Partner page. There, you can learn about other partnership opportunities, including financial and in-kind donations, cause-related marketing, and event sponsorship. By exploring various avenues of support, your company can make an even greater impact on the lives of Ukrainians in need.