Програма TEEI Buddy

Are you looking for support, a conversational partner or a new friend?

The Educational Equality Institute is here to help you. Our Buddy Program will pair you up with a partner from the host country you chose as your new residence. They will be available either in person (depending on your location) or online to help you feel more at ease in the new culture and facilitate your integration into the local community.

They can also help with language practice, meet you for a cup of coffee to answer any worries you may have, or simply be a sympathetic conversation partner in these difficult times.

Як це працює?

Ваш приятель/наставник — волонтер Інституту освітньої рівності:

  • Будьте вашою контактною особою для мовної підтримки
  • Надати вам практичну інформацію, таку як відкриття банківського рахунку, завершення міграційного статусу, перехід або початок академічної програми, запис на відвідування лікаря загальної практики
  • Поділіться порадами щодо того, що робити в країні/місті перебування
  • Будьте надійним партнером у розмові
Events and workshops for Ukrainians

Зверніть увагу: наразі ця програма доступна лише тим, хто має українське громадянство та громадяни інших країн, які були змушені покинути країну через військові дії. Проте найближчим часом ми плануємо зробити програму доступною для всіх, кому може знадобитися приятель у чужому місті/країні. 

Положення та умови — Будь ласка, прочитайте перед реєстрацією

Meet Some of our Amazing buddy’s!




I’m privileged living in Germany and want to use this for something good. There are literally people fleeing because of fear of death while we live such a good life here and I want to make sure to support as much as much as I can from my side. We should all help each other and support those in need!!




I have spent my entire career working in social and human services, starting as a foster care worker for an inner city child and family services agency in Chicago. For the last 20+ years, I have worked with state and federal government social services programs, helping them improve operations, systems, and performance. I also have volunteered with numerous social services orgs in my local area and have experience teaching English to Spanish speakers. My grandparents emigrated from Poland to the U.S. and I remember the challenges they faced acclimating to a new city and different culture – I want to help others in this same situation, even if only to ease their burden a little.




I feel that this is such an important initiative. I want to be able to support young Ukrainians coming into the country. It must be so scary for them coming here and not knowing anyone. I want to help them and really aid them into integration.




I am quite new to Oslo and have been looking for a volunteer opportunity for Ukrainians. I lived in Germany before and there were many ways in which I could volunteer. I study East European studies and have many friends from Ukraine, so I think it is very important that Ukrainian refugees have a place where they can feel safe and welcome. If I can contribute to creating such an environment, I would be glad to do it.




I am a Primary School Teacher in Ireland and have taught English to children and have a Tefl certificate and have also taught teenagers and adults. I want to help the Ukrainian people who have had to flee their country and leave their whole lives behind.




Saw your add on LinkedIn. I’d just like to contribute in any way I can to welcome/help someone that needs it with anything from language learning to just guiding the city or being a conversation partner. It’s no secret that we as a people can seem quite cold and distant to strangers, so i’m sure it must be very difficult to come here and have no one to talk to or ask for help with things. If I can make even a small difference for someone, i’d be happy to do it!




I would like to be a TEEI Buddy Program Mentor because I am displaced myself and know how hard it is to strart over in a new country or city. And I know that a friendly voice/face is of great help.



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